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Business is the Ultimate Sport: How Leaders Can Coach to Win!

Developing and growing in the presence of a masterful coach is one of life’s greatest experiences because it enables you to exceed your highest expectations. Masterful coaches build confidence, enable others to tap their talents, and unleash discretionary effort.  Hopefully, you’ve experienced this at least once in your life, whether it was working with a boss, a baseball coach, a band instructor, a Girl Scout leader, a grandparent, a mentor or a teacher.

For example, when in the presence of your coach, you probably felt very special, as if you were the most important person in the world. Chances are, this person believed in you much more than you believed in yourself—and this belief enabled you to accomplish much more than you could have on your own

Deb’s doctoral research found that Masterful Coaches do 4 things really well.

The first is called domain mastery.  Masterful coaches are highly skilled in six key competencies. In this workshop, you’ll learn and practice 6 Core Coaching Competencies:

  • Deep Listening
  • Asking Powerful Questions
  • Challenging
  • Direct Feedback
  • Intuiting
  • Mental Agility

The second is self-mastery.  Masterful coaches have a good relationship with themselves.  They know their intrinsic strengths and weaknesses and have devoted considerable time and effort to become better human beings and leaders.

Third, Masterful Coaches exhibit specific personal qualities.  They are confident, yet humble.  They are independent thinkers who have the courage to be risk takers. They are highly curious and can see possibilities and potential when others cannot. And, they value integrity and are committed to life-long learning   

Lastly, they know how to create an environment ripe for personal growth by building strong relationships with each of their players. Masterful coaches know their players inside and out: what talents they bring to the team, what really motivates them, what holds them back, and what triggers strong emotions. They are committed to the success of each of their direct reports. They establish an emotional connection with each of their players.  And, they create a safe environment to address performance issues while maintaining an attitude of optimism.  

This workshop is offered in a 2 day format.  You will have an opportunity to step back and assess your bench strength, explore new ways to tap talent, identify what your players need and want most, and develop a plan to give it to them. This process will enable you to re-recruit your best players and confront your poor performers in a way that maintains integrity for you as the leader, and the dignity and respect of each member of your team.  It will teach you the skills you need to become a masterful coach and inspire others to be their best. It’s loaded with engaging interactive exercises and lots of opportunity to practice in a safe friendly environment.

Are you ready to take your organization to the next level?
“This is the best training program we’ve ever had!”
Bill Peterson, Regional VPStaples