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The Emotionally Intelligent Leader

Research by Daniel Goleman and others has consistently demonstrated that Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a better predictor of success than IQ. Why? Because, at a certain level in any organization, IQ becomes a commodity—it’s the price of admission to the game. However, EQ can actually determine your ultimate success as a leader, including your ability to get things done by delegating to people in a way that makes them excited to perform for you. The good news is, unlike IQ, which is relatively fixed from birth, EQ can be learned.

EQ—the ability to understand what we are feeling and what causes us to feel that way—enables us to choose our actions more wisely, and without damaging important relationships. This workshop is especially beneficial for leaders who are hardwired Type A’s (hard-driving, fast-paced, results-oriented individuals who tend to hold themselves and others to very high standards) whose impatience, frustration and negative emotional states impede their ability to get great results through others.

Prior to the 2-day workshop, each participant takes the BarOn Emotional Quotient® Assessment and receives a comprehensive report and individual feedback session. Areas of strength are noted and strategies for development are discussed. Participants learn and practice the skills needed to improve competence in the five factors that comprise Emotional Intelligence:

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self -Management
  • Interpersonal Relationships
  • Decision Making
  • Stress Management
Are you ready to take your organization to the next level?
“My work in emotional intelligence helped me constructively manage workplace frustration, improve my listening and act with confidence instead of arrogance.”
Senior AssociateBooz Allen Hamilton